Raising PADA’s profile through digital presence. 

Harnessing the power of strategic communications, for three months we worked on building the media curriculum for PADA, a Portugal-based non-profit arts organization with studio spaces, residencies and a gallery program. Messaging was developed to highlight their inaugural London exhibitions, which operated simultaneously in two divergent locations, a white-cube setting at ASC Gallery and a public parking space at Recreational Grounds in Elephant and Castle. From the 17th of May to the 30th of June 2019, the conjoined exhibitions included both Portuguese and British artists that reflected on their residency participation in Barreiro and collaborated as an international community through the artworks exhibited.

With four collaborative curatorial organisations and nine artists involved, we were able to generate diversified media coverage comprising articles, critical reviews, features, interviews, and social media mentions, securing significant national and international media across both print and online. The resulting coverage included Instagram promotion through Ambit and Baku Magazine’s accounts, a podcast episode on Art Proof Podcast, traction throughout Artpiq, Art Verge, Assemblage Magazine, Brit ES Magazine, DATEAGLE ART, FAD Magazine, Floorr Magazine, She Performs, and The Tung Magazine and a printed interview with PADA’s founders on Friend of the Artist Volume 9. Through sector-relevant press, we built the profile and increased the visibility of our client’s organization, attracting a substantial number of visitors which engaged with both exhibitions throughout the month.

To date, this campaign has driven PADA to welcome a notable increase of artists to their international residency programme, who were the main targeted audience in this campaign. It also led the founders of the project to be invited to jury Friend of The Artist’s Volume 10 magazine applications, and followed with a business partnership with innovative online art gallery Artpiq, where the open call artist winner of their Painting Award participated in PADA’s residency. The bespoke strategy delivered a successful specialist engagement that increased our client’s network, media attention, and business awareness.



“The whole exhibition feels like an immersive crime scene, there’s a unifying quality to this eerie space … If you have a taste for cross-culture that traverses the realms of our planet, then get down to ASC Gallery and Recreational Grounds to see these minimal but engaging smattering artworks.” The Tung, Millie Morris


William Benington Gallery

SEAGER Gallery

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