Tighten your seatbelts, this MIX is a wild ride.

“Just Another High” kickstarts us immediately into gear. What better way to start a disparate and helter skelter MIX than some mid 70s glam rock? Reminiscent of the mildly cavalier spirit of the creator, Charles Lutz, it’s a strong introduction to a playlist that delves into all areas of music making; from pop rock to electronic, industrial ambient, western swing and hip hop. Lutz himself describes it as a “regimented base that allows for experimentation on the subsequent layers, which is not unlike how I work.” An artist who adopts other artists means as his medium; he constructs works that are part homage, part memorial. In the same vein, Talking Heads shares with us a reverence for the jams of Afrobeat musician, Fela Kuti with the track “Once in a Lifetime”. Inspired by religious rituals, it is heavily contrasted 2 tracks on, when Iggy Pop sings about “Some Weird Sin”. Using the language and artistic practices of the later half of the 20th century to create his works, Lutz, is a master of appropriation exploring notions of originality and reinterpretation. Evidently there is questioning of place, something Joy Division highlights in “Disorder” the struggle of an artist, unhinged and disconnected. What follows is a pleasantly chaotic blend that will have you feeling everything from the pain of murder in “Cocaine Blues” to the romance of an unexpected encounter in The Kinks track, “Lola”. Kanye gives us some hard-hitting realities in “Blood on the Leaves”, that chronicles the lynching of African Americans in the United States during the pre-civil rights era. A precursor to our savage finale, “Violence”. In a ‘drop the mic’ kind of move, Lutz leaves us with a song full of rage and the screaming verses of juvenile delinquent disaffection. 


Whether you’re in need of a creative release or aggressive discharge, this MIX is for you. It hits hard in all the right places. Gear up.

Words by Martin Mayorga


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