Not many artists work or consider working with small-scale works, but this is exactly what artist Lisa Denyer is interested in achieving with her intimate painterly objects. Growing up in Manchester and currently living in Berlin, Lisa feels connected to the UK by listening to BBC 6 Music while she’s painting. She dedicates herself to a set routine at her studio, located in her her home in the Bernauerstraße area, known for it’s Berlin Wall memorial park. In the mornings, she sources outside inspiration from the library or co-works at a café, whilst the afternoons are taken up with her studio practice or gallery/studio visits. Encountering the city’s architecture continually, it is no surprise that Denyer sources her inspiration from the city itself; and this is visible through her use of motifs, color, and composition; endorsing that “Berlin is incredibly visually rich. I’m sure that things I see on a daily basis infiltrate the work to a certain extent”.