
Casting off into a mellow sea of nostalgia, London-based artist Emma Prempeh guides us onto a personal journey of intimacy, reflection and self-love. In explaining her playlist as “songs that I listen to frequently and that perfectly describe events in my life right now”, Prempeh identifies the musical dignitaries who represent the relationships in her life.


Manifesting pure energetic sensations through ‘soothing tones and melodies,’ the first track, ‘Eternal Light’ gracefully tumbles into the MIX with earthy bass rhythms and bright riffs. A warm latitude descends into an up-beat jazzy disco in ‘love,’ evoking Prempeh’s paintings that seem to float in dream-like scenes, defying physical limitations. ‘Smile More’ is the artist’s gateway to introspection; ‘instagram’ continues this emotive journey, clearing the path to a meditative grove in which questions arise regarding mental health for listeners to consider. With a mix of slick, sebaceous rhythms that invoke songs of innocence and experience, love and heartbreak, forlornness and electrified hope, Prempeh’s visual response takes us in and out of time to a fluid, nostalgic locus.


‘From Midnight To Sunrise’ closes the MIX with soft cymbal brushes, redefining ideas of fixity and mirroring the distances of space and time conveyed in Prempeh’s mellow canvas compositions. Day by day, by day.

Words by Martin Mayorga


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