It’s like running while carrying a big box and almost tripping over.

Harrison Pearce is one of those artists who immediately came to mind when thinking about whom to ask to participate in our third Mix! edition. Having worked with compositors Nico Muhly and Alex Mills previously, it is clear that sound plays a huge roll in his work. Harrison’s pieces often expose a vulnerable form or organism being held in an industrial and mechanical environment, much reminiscent of a scientific laboratory, womb, or experimentation facility. In this context, his works are very exposing, and genuinely deal with being human after all. His first tune, “Clapping” by Steve Reich lies no far from his defenceless works. This percussion piece is performed by two musicians without instruments, using only their bodies to create the sound. What looks like a fairly straightforward tune soon turns into a headache as it gently becomes out of synch. The exposure of failure and “human-ness” parallels everything that Harrison’s works offer us, a glimpse of humanity in a surrounded scientific and technological environment. Moreover, this contrast is accentuated in Philip Glass’s “Mad Rush”, which alternates between a peaceful and meditative rhythm and a fast and frantic sound.



If you never really listened to instrumental, now is your time to give it a chance!

Words by Martin Mayorga


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