A sanctuary space, where the artist perceives herself and others.


When visiting artist Cristina BanBan’s studio located in Hackney Wick, where the artist has been settled for more than five months, I was shocked by it’s scale and community-approach. An organic white studio invaded by natural light, where the artist takes advantage of this same fact by using the tonalities that reflect onto the space in her own works. The community feel around the studios is something that the artist appreciates, being quite social and active, the artist expresses how fortunate she is to have her studio next to the studios of people she cares about. Some people go to church, others to a football stadium…Cristina goes to her studio, which she describes as “a sanctuary”. Besides working, creating, or listening to Camaron de la Isla, her favourite thing to do in this space is being herself.

All photography by Delilah Olson © DATEAGLE ART 2018

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